Grand Canyon River Guides Oral History Interview of AzRA Guide Lorna Corson
The indefatigable Lorna Corson has guided for Arizona Raft Adventures (AzRA) since 1978. Read her fascinating interview published in the Boatman’s Quarterly Review (BQR), a Grand Canyon River Guides (GCRG) publication here.
Anyone can be a Grand Canyon River Guides member; GCRG is not just for river guides, anybody that cares about the canyon can join and they are appreciated! Sign up here. GCRG is a grassroots non-profit organization of individuals who care deeply about the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River; it is not only a community of river guides but also of fellow canyon aficionados. They seek to preserve, protect, and defend the Grand Canyon, the river, and the magic it bestows. They organize the annual Guide Training Seminars, which anyone can attend. GCRG fosters dialogues and negotiation with the National Park Service, preserves oral histories of notable river runners, and assists the river outfitters and National Park Service to manage canyon resources. They act whenever a canyon natural resource is threatened, or the quality of the Grand Canyon experience is compromised.
The Boatman’s Quarterly Review, GCRG’s magazine, provides an open forum for environmental education, and includes science updates, fascinating articles, river art, stories and more! The BQR is an interesting and high-quality publication mailed to GCRG members 4 times a year. Each issue has an oral history interview with a long-time guide or notable river runner. BQR issues are eventually digitally stored, and you can read them online. There are many BQR oral history interviews with guides that worked at AzRA (ARTA). We listed those issues below that have interviews with guides who did at least a few trips to full seasons at AzRA (that we could recall). If we missed any other AzRA/ARTA guide interviews, we apologize and please let us know.
Lorna is featured in this book she is holding! Photo by Jeff W.
Current or Previous AzRA Guides Featured
Click on their names and it’ll open their BQR editions!
Sharon (Shay) Hester (current AzRA Staff)