Arizona Raft Adventures, its subsidiary Grand Canyon Discovery, and its dba Grand Canyon Raft Adventures (collectively, “AzRA”) strictly prohibit harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. AzRA will take appropriate and immediate action in response to complaints or in response to any knowledge of violations of this policy. All AzRA employees are expected to behave professionally and to treat other employees, business colleagues, guests, and other members of the public with courtesy and respect. All employees are expected to take appropriate measures to prevent workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Further, to the extent it is safe and reasonable to do so, AzRA employees are expected to attempt to stop discrimination, harassment, and retaliation before it becomes severe, pervasive, or a violation of the law. If you see something, say something. Take care of each other.
AzRA strives to maintain a work environment in which people are treated with dignity, decency, and respect. Therefore, AzRA is dedicated to the principles of equal employment opportunity as set forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We provide equal employment opportunities, benefits, and privileges to all applicants and employees in all aspects of employment without regard to age, ancestry, race, gender, gender identity and/or expression, color, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation, citizenship, veteran status, whistleblower status, disability, or any other classification protected by federal, state, or local law. AzRA prohibits discriminatory evaluative standards and other discriminatory work conditions, whether the discriminatory treatment is, in whole or in part, based on the above statuses or identities, or other legally protected statuses or identities. Discrimination or violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
AzRA prohibits harassment, which is verbal or physical conduct that demeans, shows hostility, or creates an offensive working environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, conduct that is intimidating, coercing or threatening to an employee, co-worker or any person working on behalf of AzRA, including guests, vendors, consultants, volunteers, other river users, etc. Verbal taunting, including racial and ethnic slurs, are included in this definition of harassment.
Prohibited harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Sharing written communications, cartoons, e-mails, posters, drawings, photographs, etc., and
may include written epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, derogatory jokes, etc.; - Verbal communication, including epithets, slurs, derogatory statements, negative stereotyping, threatening, intimidating, denigrating jokes; or
- Physical conduct which denigrates or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual due to a protected classification and includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate touching, overly assertive or aggressive physical interaction (including assault) that creates, or is intended to create, an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Sexual Harassment
AzRA will not tolerate sexual harassment of its employees, officers, representatives, volunteers, guests, vendors or consultants. Sexual harassment is a form of harassment that consists of making unwelcomed sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or engaging in other verbal or physical acts of a sexual or sex-based nature where such conduct interferes with the employee’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment or wherein submission to such conduct is explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or is used as a basis for an
employment decision affecting that individual. Such misconduct is subject to punishment up to and including termination and may be subject to punishment under state or federal law. When such
misconduct occurs, AzRA will take steps to stop, prevent recurrence, and remedy the impacts of such behavior.
Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
- Sexualizing the work environment by, among other things, suggestive or obscene letters, notes, invitations, or remarks; comments about body parts or rating people’s bodies; spreading sexual rumors or stories; using sexual orientation as an insult; writing people’s names along with sexual remarks, suggestions, or drawings in public places; encroaching in someone’s personal space such as their boat or tent without consent; or using derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, or epithets which create a negative and hostile work environment;
- Nonverbal behaviors such as staring at a person’s body or body parts, making obscene gestures, unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature, sexual molestation or assault, impeding or
blocking movements, display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters or cartoons; - Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome;
- Coercive sexual behavior used to control, influence, or affect the career, salary, and/or work environment of another employee, such as withholding support for an appointment, work
assignment, promotion, or change of work assignment, or suggesting a poor performance report will be prepared; - Discriminatory conduct that may not be sexual in nature but is based on an employee’s gender;
- Offering or granting favors or employment benefits such as favorable appointments, work assignments, promotions, performance evaluations, duties or shifts, or recommendations for
future employment or assignment in exchange for sexual favors.
Consensual relations
All sexual activity between members of the AzRA community must be based on consent. Consent means active, on-going, continuous, informed, reciprocal, and mutually-understandable communication before and throughout all sexual activity. Yes means yes; anything else means no.
All employees should recognize any possible negative consequences of romantic, intimate, or sexual liaisons in the workplace. AzRA does not wish to monitor consensual relations between peers but may
need to if those relations affect trip quality, job performance, or other employees.
Of particular concern to AzRA are consensual romantic, intimate, or sexual relationships when one of the parties has authority over the other, especially the ability to recommend the other for or against
promotion, or the ability to recommend work be granted or denied to the other. In addition, although this professional power dynamic may not have existed at one time in a consensual relationship, it may
change throughout the course of the relationship. Consensual relations in these contexts can create the potential for abuse of authority, or cause problems due to the perceptions of third parties.
Therefore, employees beginning or ending a consensual relationship shall immediately report the relationship or change in relationship to any Manager on Duty (MOD). In addition, any employee who
wishes to report a previous relationship to reduce any potential conflicts may do so, to mitigate any actual or potential conflicts of interest or any adverse effects on third parties. The MOD will share the information with the appropriate direct manager, and the information will be kept confidential to the extent possible.
Furthermore, AzRA highly discourages any employees from entering into relationships or engaging in sexual liaisons with another employee with whom they do not have an existing and reported
relationship while in the field.
Sexual harassment and previous non-disclosure of a previously consensual relationship
If one of the participants of a previously undisclosed relationship reports harassment, none of the participants will be punished for failing to disclose the relationship. The complaint will be investigated as
detailed below (see “Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Process”).
The fact that a relationship was consensual at one time does not eliminate later harassment, and AzRA encourages reporting in these instances as strongly as AzRA encourages reporting in other instances. It is important to recognize that a significant number of sexual harassment complaints arise from past consensual relationships. It is imperative that AzRA employees are free from work-related harassment,
however the relationship between the alleged harasser and the person being subject to harassment arose, or evolved.
Sexual relations and AzRA guests
Sexual activity between an AzRA employee and an AzRA guest who do not have a pre-existing relationship is not allowed during an AzRA trip. Repercussions may include termination.
This policy applies to all employees including managers, supervisors, co-workers, and non-employees such as customers, clients, vendors, consultants, volunteers, etc.
Supervisors, including those individuals who review the employment or actions of other employees and who have the authority to take tangible employment actions against another employee, including but
not limited to, hiring, firing, staffing for upcoming trips, review and ratings of other employees and those that assign duties or make decisions affecting a significant change in an employee’s benefits are
held to higher standards of behavior and accountability. Supervisors, including Trip Leaders, are expected to be exemplary employees who will maintain the highest standards of conduct.
AzRA prohibits any retaliation against an individual for reporting discrimination or harassment, or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination. Any such retaliation is a
further violation of these provisions and will result in remedial action, up to and including termination. Any acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and promptly to a Manager on Duty (MOD).
If AzRA determines that any employee has knowingly provided false information regarding a harassment or discrimination complaint or provided false information during the investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken, up to and including termination.
Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Process
All AzRA employees have a responsibility to take part in maintaining a safe and productive work environment. When safe to do so, all AzRA employees are expected to intervene to stop inappropriate verbal and/or physical conduct, to say no, to make your dissatisfaction known, and to promptly report instances of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Due to the unique interpersonal nature of working in the river trip environment, and because offensive conduct can often be remedied among coworkers, AzRA sincerely hopes that employees will take steps to address the issue directly with the offending person in ways that support the safety of the individual (e.g. if speaking with the offending party feels challenging, ask another employee to be present or ask an ally to intervene). Often, an honest conversation will resolve the problem and the offensive behavior will cease out of genuine concern for each other. However, if an AzRA employee does not feel a conversation would be helpful and/or safe, or if the issue isn’t resolved at this stage, AzRA encourages the employee to file a complaint with the General Manager or any manager on duty (MOD).
It is important to note that many employees are reluctant to report incidents of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. AzRA highly encourages all employees to make reports of these incidents to protect the people directly impacted, to reduce occurrences in the future, and to protect other AzRA employees, guests, and community members.
All AzRA MODs are always mandatory reporters, whether they receive formal complaints during business hours or whether they are told informally in their off time.
All AzRA employees are mandatory reporters when they are acting in a position of authority such as Trip Leader or Food Room Manager.
An employee or other AzRA stakeholder may file a complaint via phone, in person, via email or text, including satellite text or phone.
If it is reported to the Manager on Duty, the MOD shall report the incident to the General Manager or their designee in a timely fashion.
An employee may also file an anonymous complaint via our employee website. Anonymous complaints are more difficult to investigate. However, AzRA is committed to investigating to the extent we are able given the information provided. Occasionally unconfirmed third-party complaints must be treated as anonymous complaints, as well. In the event of an anonymous complaint that we are unable to verify or appropriately investigate, AzRA may not be able to take formal action against the accused, and informal action, such as a verbal reprimand, will be taken as appropriate.
Once reported, a complaint will be promptly investigated by the General Manager or their designee, and any necessary corrective action will be taken. The cooperation of all employees and persons working for and on behalf of AzRA is required. All employees, as a term of their employment, must cooperate in the investigation of any complaints. All complaints will be handled in as discreet and confidential a manner as possible under the circumstances.
In the event a complaint involves a manager, or is otherwise inappropriate for the General Manager or their designee to investigate, the reporter will be informed and a third-party investigator will be hired and designated to complete the investigation.
Each report will be promptly investigated by the General Manager or their designee. The investigation may include interviews with the parties involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have other relevant knowledge. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent possible given an adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action. During the investigation process, if necessary and appropriate, AzRA may immediately intervene and take remedial action to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the complaining party, as well as the individual who is being charged with discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, AzRA shall take appropriate corrective action, which may include disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
AzRA shall provide a brief conclusion and findings of its investigation to both the charging party and the accused individual. If AzRA finds that this policy was violated, this letter shall include what remedial action or intervention AzRA has undertaken to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the charging party and others.
Last updated March 24, 2021 ATT