To build and maintain a workplace and river and outdoor adventure setting that is respectful and professional toward all employees, guests, and other persons with whom the Company interacts, Arizona Raft Adventures, LLC (hereinafter “AzRA” or “Company”) is committed to providing a positive environment in which all persons are treated with professionalism, dignity and respect. Dignity and respect are fundamental to working in an effective, efficient, and safe manner, and disrespectful or unprofessional communications and behavior will not be tolerated.
Where possible it is intended that these workplace standards apply to AzRA employees, officers, representatives, volunteers, customers, clients, vendors or consultants.
It is expected that all employees will conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates professionalism, dignity and respect, participate fully and in good faith in any informal resolution or formal complaint and investigation process, and they are strongly encouraged to timely report incidents that may violate these standards. Supervisors, manager and where appropriate, trip leaders and guides, in addition to the expectations described above, are expected to be observant of the behavior of others and to communicate and appropriately intervene and take appropriate action upon observing potential violations of our respectful workplace standards or upon or receiving credible information concerning violations of these standards.
Building and maintaining a respectful workplace requires all of us to treat each other the way we want to be treated: with respect and dignity. It requires understanding of individual communication styles, being respectful of differences in personalities and in how people handle their emotions. A respectful working environment requires a tolerance to these types of differences in people. However basic civility and civil conduct is paramount in creating and building a respectful workplace. Any employee who falls below these workplace standards is subject to a range of corrective action including counseling, letters of direction, and disciplinary action; including up to termination.
It is the intent to build and maintain a respectful workplace by encouraging open and honest communication and instilling an environment of civility and professionalism. The corrective action or discipline for violation of these standards depends on the severity of the violation. It also may take into consideration, for minor transgressions, the willingness of the employee to acknowledge the negative behavior and take appropriate corrective actions to demonstrate future professionalism and civility.
AzRA’s supervisors (or where appropriate guides or trip leaders while acting in positions of authority, and managers) are required to exemplify the respectful workplace behavior set forth.
It is hopeful that where possible, open and honest communication between employees will help to promote a healthy workplace and resolve most behaviors that fall below the respectful workplace standards set forth herein. Employees are encouraged to report such violations to the supervisor, manager, and where appropriate, trip leaders and guides while acting in positions of authority, for assistance on the resolution of behaviors that fall below these standards and to assist in communicating and intervening and taking appropriate action upon observing potential violations of these standards. It is intended that these matters be resolved at the lowest possible supervisory or managerial level. If the matter cannot be appropriately addressed informally then employees, volunteers, customers, clients, vendors or consultants are strongly encouraged to file for a formal review, investigation, and resolution process under the grievance procedures set forth below.
Certain conduct is strictly prohibited at AzRA and such conduct will not be tolerated. Behavior including conduct which is detrimental and disruptive to the overall operation of AzRA, defamation and slander, abusive language, malicious gossip and rumors, misrepresenting or falsifying information, abusive yelling and shouting, excessive unproductive criticism, public humiliation, threatening or intimidating behavior, offensive and sexually charged jokes or comments, conduct which a reasonable person would find demeaning or humiliating, and unwelcome physical contact or assault is strictly prohibited and shall subject the individual to appropriate disciplinary action, including up to termination.
AzRA’s supervisors, managers, (or where appropriate guides or trip leaders while acting in positions of authority) are required to report any and all conduct which is specifically and expressly prohibited under the prohibited conduct policy. Failure to report a matter which violates the prohibited conduct set forth herein and/or the failure to follow up upon receiving credible information of a violation of this prohibited conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, including up to termination. Further, all employees are strongly encouraged to report any prohibited conduct that they have directly experienced or that they have observed. The specific procedures for such reporting are set forth in Paragraph B below.
Context may be relevant in understanding the difference between respectful and professional behavior and disrespectful and prohibited conduct. Supervisors and managers are expected to evaluate and provide constructive criticism and direction to employees. Likewise, employees may be subject to unfavorable performance reviews, and/or disciplinary action. So long as the employee is treated with professionalism, dignity, and respect during these situations, the fact that the employee experiences stress or discomfort or disagrees with the supervisors or managers assessment, does not constitute a violation of this prohibited conduct policy.
Below is more thorough breakdown of the conduct and behaviors expressly prohibited by AzRA:
1. Harassment/Intimidation.
Harassment. Harassment is defined as unwelcomed and inappropriate verbal or physical conduct, or coercive behavior where the behavior is known, or reasonably ought to be known, is unwanted and unwelcome. Harassment is based on constitutionally protected classifications which include race, religion, color, national origin, gender, physical or mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital and family status, sexual orientation and or non-binary gender identification.
Intimidation. Intimidation is defined as intentional behavior that places an employee in fear of harm of person or property. Intimidation can be manifested emotionally or physically, either directly or indirectly, and by use of social media.
Those that observe conduct that amounts to harassment or intimidation and those who believe they have been subjected to harassment or intimidation are strongly encouraged to report the conduct to the supervisor, manager, (or where appropriate a guide or trip leader while acting in positions of authority).
Guests are encouraged to report such harassment and/or intimidation to a guide or trip leader and the guide or trip leader shall appropriately intervene, as may be required, and shall timely report the guests concerns to a supervisor or the manager. Failure to intervene and take appropriate and immediate remedial action or to report the guests concern to supervisors or managers shall subject the guide or trip leader to discipline, including termination.
There are specific procedures for reporting harassment and intimidation and an outline of the investigation process set forth below in Paragraphs B and C.
2. Bullying. Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated over time, and may include direct or indirect, verbal, physical, or other behavior. What constitutes bullying depends on the effect of the behavior on the victim and not on the intention of the accused. Bullying can take several forms including verbal bullying, physical bullying, ostracization, and social exclusion. Bullying is exemplified by the following behaviors:
a. Persistent singling out for ridicule or criticism
b. Shouting or yelling at an individual in public or in private
c. Using obscenities or obscene gestures
d. Using personal insults or offensive nicknames
e. Malicious teasing
f. Vulgar or inappropriate name-calling
g. Inappropriate sexual comment
h. Taunting
i. Public humiliation or embarrassment
j. Spreading malicious rumors or gossiping
k. Assigning menial or degrading tasks not part of a normal job responsibility to punish or humiliate
l. Deliberately excluding or ostracizing a person from work-related activities
m. Unwanted physical contact, physical abuse, or threats to cause harm to an individual or their property
n. Threatened or actual damage or theft of personal property
o. Physical assault including hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, pushing
Those that have observed conduct that amounts to bullying or those that believe they have been subjected to bullying must be reported to a supervisor, the manager or where appropriate the trip leader or guide, while acting in positions of authority. Procedures for this reporting requirement are specifically set forth below in Paragraph B. One who is found to have bullied another is subject to disciplinary action, including up to termination.
If an employee or guide observes bullying by guests towards other guests employees, guides, or affiliated persons, it shall be immediately reported to a supervisor, manager or trip leader or guide while acting in positions of authority. The supervisor, manager or trip leader or guide while acting positions of authority shall take immediate and remedial action to put a stop to the behavior.
3. Hazing. Hazing is defined as the practice of rituals, challenges, or other activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation whether done individually or in concert with others, as a way or means of initiating a person into a group. It is no defense that a person consents or acquiesces to any such hazing activities. Any observation of hazing or perceived hazing activities should be reported to the supervisor or manager, (where appropriate to a guide or trip leader while acting in the positions of authority).. Procedures to assist in this reporting are set forth in Paragraph B below. Likewise, supervisors and managers (and where appropriate a guide or trip leader while acting in positions of authority) must take reasonable measures to prevent violations of this policy and anyone found to have violated this policy is subject to disciplinary action, including termination. The failure to report the activity to a supervisor (or where appropriate a guide or trip leader) or a manager will subject the employee to disciplinary action including up to termination.
Anyone found to be involved in any hazing shall also be subject to disciplinary action including termination.
4. Sexual Harassment. Sexual Harassment is a specific form of unlawful harassment, intimidation, and bullying which is sexual in nature and includes conduct and behaviors including creating a hostile work environment, sexual advances, unwelcome sexual statements or conduct, and inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment includes a range of behaviors from minor transgressions to sexual assault and rape. Sexual harassment can occur in many different settings in the workplace and harassers or victims may be of any gender identification. AzRA has zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
Examples of sexual harassment may include:
• Sexually charging the work environment by, among other things, the following: suggestive or obscene letters, notes, invitations, or remarks; comments about body parts or rating people’s bodies; spreading sexual rumors or stories; using sexual orientation, including homosexuality or binary gender identification as an insult; writing people’s names along with sexual remarks, suggestions, or drawings in public places; or derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, photos or epithets which create a negative and hostile work environment.
• Nonverbal behaviors such as staring at a person’s body or body parts; making obscene gestures; unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature; sexual molestation or assault; impeding or blocking movements; display of sexually suggestive objects; pictures; posters or cartoons.
• Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome.
• Coercive sexual behavior used to control, influence, or affect the career, salary, and/or work environment of another employee, such as withholding support for an appointment; work assignment; promotion; change of work assignment; suggesting a poor performance.
• Offering or granting favors; employment benefits such as favorable appointments; work assignments, promotions; performance evaluations; duties or shifts; recommendations for future employment; and assignment in exchange for sexual favors.
• Engaging in conduct or behavior which sexually charges the work environment such that it interferes with other abilities to perform their job duties or creates an unproductive unpleasant workplace.
• Continuing to express sexual interest or engaging in coercive sexual behavior after a romantic relationship with a coworker has come to an end.
This policy applies to all employees including manager, supervisors, co-workers, and non-employees such as customers, clients, vendors, consultants, volunteers, etc. It is expected that all employees and clients, customers and vendors will enjoy an AzRA workplace, which includes outdoor adventures and river trips, free of sexual harassment. All employees and non-employees are strongly encouraged to report to a supervisor (or where appropriate a guide or trip leader) or general manager any behavior or conduct that the individual believes violates this policy. AzRA cannot maintain and enforce its zero tolerance policy unless employees and non-employees timely report such misconduct. In addition, AzRA cannot protect other employees and non-employees from potential future misconduct without timely reports.
Supervisors and trip leaders and those employees who review the employment or actions of other employees and who have the authority to take tangible employment actions against another employee, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing, appointment to upcoming trips, review and ratings of other employees and those that assign duties or make decisions affecting a significant change in an employee’s benefits are held to the highest standards of behavior and accountability. Supervisors and trip leaders are expected to be exemplary employees who will maintain and be held to the highest standards of conduct. Therefore, AzRA strongly discourages romantic relationships between a supervisor and/or trip leader and a subordinate. When an employee supervises or has the authority to make tangible employment decisions over another employee, there is an unequal relationship that can easily be misused. Likewise, when a mutual romantic relationship involving two employees comes to an end, both employees are expected to respect the changed relationship and attempting to continue to express unwanted romantic or sexual interest or attempt to engage in coercive sexual behavior is strictly prohibited and a violation of this policy.
Everyone has a responsibility to maintaining a safe and productive work environment. If you witness inappropriate behavior, intervene, speak up, act, disrupt the situation, make your displeasure known, and report the situation to a supervisor (or where appropriate a guide or trip leader) or manager. If you are the recipient of unwanted attention, words, or behavior, say NO and make your dissatisfaction known. Report promptly all instances or suspected instances, of discrimination and harassment to supervisor (or where appropriate a guide or trip leader) or general manager.
If a supervisor, guide or trip leader observes or receives a report of conduct or behavior which a reasonable person deems is a violation of this Policy, the supervisor, guide, and trip leader must, as soon as is practicable, report the matter to the manager. Failure to timely report will result in disciplinary action including termination.
B. Reporting Procedures/Compliance Officer AzRA has designated that General Manager Alexandra [“Alex”] Thevenin, or her designee will be the Compliance Officer who shall receive complaints or reporting under this Respectful Workplace Policy, and its reporting of the prohibited conduct including: Bullying, Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, or Sexual Harassment. The Compliance Officer, or her designee, will receive the complaints, reports and other information setting forth possible violation of the prohibitive conduct set forth in this policy and shall promptly investigate this matter. Contact information for the Compliance Officer is as follows:
Alexandra “Alex” Thevenin,
General Manager/Compliance Officer Arizona Raft Adventures,
Grand Canyon 4050 E. Huntington Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(800) 786-7238 (928) 526-8200
If Alexandra Thevenin is not available, then the supervisor, guide and/or trip leader shall, as soon as practicable report the matter to the manager on duty [MOD]. The MOD shall among other things, determine and take appropriate immediate intervention, if necessary, and shall, as soon thereafter as is practicable, report the matter to the Compliance Officer.
Employees and non-employees are also encouraged to timely report and prohibitive conduct violations, directly to the Compliance Officer. AzRA has attached a complaint form to assist in the reporting of inappropriate conduct and behavior. Since it is the intent of AzRA to timely intervene and take appropriate and prompt corrective action, the timely reporting of the behavior and conduct is essential! If substantial time has passed between the prohibitive conduct and the reporting, AzRA may be limited on its ability to conduct an investigation or render appropriate remedial action or discipline. If the time between the alleged prohibitive conduct and the reporting exceeds one year and AzRA deems it not able to adequately investigate or provide appropriate effective remedial action or discipline, AzRA may so advise the reporting party.
C. Investigation Process
The Compliance Officer or her designee may take appropriate corrective remedial action pending the investigation. The Compliance Officer or designee shall promptly investigate the matter as follows:
1. The investigator shall review the complaint with the reporting/complaining party to obtain more detailed information regarding the offending conduct or behavior. The investigator will also attempt to ascertain others that may have relevant knowledge pertaining to the complaint or report.
2. The investigator shall meet individually with others that may have relevant knowledge or information pertaining to the complaint or report.
3. The investigator shall look at any and all documents, statements, or information that is relevant to the complaint or report.
4. Throughout the investigation the investigator shall maintain confidentiality to the extent possible and consistent with an adequate investigation and with appropriate corrective action, including discipline.
5. All participants in the investigation will be directed to keep the matter confidential and will be directed that it may not be discussed with any third parties, except as may be authorized by the investigator.
6. AzRA is committed to promoting a healthy, safe, and productive work environment that respects the rights of others. There will be no retaliation against any reporter, complainant, or anyone that has participated in or assisted in the investigation. If an individual feels they have been retaliated against for their reporting, complaining, or involvement in the investigation, this should be immediately reported to the investigator who shall appropriately intervene and take appropriate remedial action, or disciplinary where necessary.
7. After the investigation has been concluded, the investigator will determine whether this policy has been violated and what, if any, corrective action, including disciplinary action up to termination, is appropriate. The investigator shall place his/her finding decision in writing. This will remain confidential to the extent possible and consistent with the corrective action, including discipline. The investigator shall also provide a written response to the reporting party which shall provide a brief written summary of the findings and decision of the investigator and what, if any, remedial action is to be taken.
8. During the pendency of the investigation, if appropriate and necessary, the investigator shall take any remedial action necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the complaining party or reporting party or others.
9. It is expected, and is a condition of employment, that all employees and persons working for and on behalf of AzRA, are required to cooperate fully in the investigation of any complaint or reports.
10. If the investigator determines that this policy has been violated then the manager shall take any remedial action or discipline, including up to termination, necessary to correct the offending behavior and to ensure that the offending behavior does not reoccur. Remedial intervention and disciplinary action may include required sexual harassment prevention training or other training, counseling, formal apologies, reassigning the culpable party, disciplinary action including reprimands, suspensions, or termination.
11. If AzRA determines that any employee has knowingly provided false information regarding a complaint made pursuant to this policy or provides false information during the investigation, appropriate corrective action or discipline including termination will be taken. False and malicious claims of discrimination or harassment or retaliation may subject the individual to remedial or disciplinary action including termination.