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Report: A Report is submission of a detailed allegation of discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory behavior(s) based on one or more legally protected statuses.
Complaint: a Complaint is submission of an allegation of disrespectful, exclusionary, or otherwise harmful behavior(s) that are not based on a legally protected status.
Feedback: Feedback is submission of a comment. It may be positive, negative, or neutral in nature and is information you would like to share with management and/or the individual about whom you are providing feedback.
It is very important to AzRA to continue to foster an environment that is respectful and inclusive. Discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory behaviors, based on legally protected classifications such as gender or race, are prohibited by AzRA and are illegal. (Please see the full policy, descriptions, and examples here) There are other behaviors, such as hazing or bullying an employee or community member not based on a legally protected status, that are contrary to AzRA’s values. Finally, there may be professional feedback you’d like to share—either praise or opportunities for improvement.
Although you may file a Report or make a Complaint anonymously, we strongly encourage you to share your name for a couple of reasons. First, AzRA cannot effectively investigate Reports or Complaints without knowing additional details of the incident(s) giving rise to the Complaint or Report. Second, we may be precluded by law from taking formal adverse employment action when we are unable to adequately investigate a Report or Complaint, including interviewing the impacted party, the reporting party, and witnesses when appropriate. Finally, predatory behavior, whether intentionally predatory or not, is rarely an isolated event. By making your Report identified, AzRA may pursue an investigation, take formal action, and potentially prevent the behavior from recurring to your colleagues or other members of the community.
In some cases, it is appropriate to discuss behaviors directly with the person who is demonstrating the behavior, and we encourage direct communication when appropriate.
Regardless of whether a Report or Complaint is filed anonymously, AzRA is presumptively required and ethically bound to investigate both Reports and Complaints. Therefore, submissions that are mislabeled as Reports, Complaints, or Feedback may be investigated as appropriately defined in AzRA’s policies. Please ensure that you understand the distinctions between these terms.
When we receive a Report or a Complaint, we are committed to keeping information confidential to the extent we are able given that we will conduct an investigation.
When we receive Feedback, we will ask you if you would like your name shared with the person about whom you are providing Feedback. When we receive Feedback that indicates an opportunity for improvement, we may not share that Feedback with the person about whom you are providing it unless it is a pattern, as indicated by similar Feedback from another person. We also highly encourage you to share Feedback directly with the person in question when appropriate.